Look at you! You stepped right thru that Threshold! I am so excited to initiate you into the next portal of this WeRK: The Sweet Astro Newsletter!!!
This weekly email will have so much MAGIC inside of it.
These weekly emails may contain tips on dismantling systems of oppression, creating process-based art, doing your fucking ShadowWeRK, destroying capitalism, using Astrology as a life map, & crafting up some damn fine witch shit babe!
I want you to get a taste of this WeRK without overwhelming you so there will always be more steps, crossroads, and portals for you to enter as you get more comfortable with this WeRK.
The Sweet Astro Newsletter may contain excerpts from:
If you're interested in leaning even deeper into the WeRK you can JOIN The ComMOONity anytime; look at the bottom of your first email for info on how to step in further. You can always reach out to me with questions too. Email works best, text is nice too.
xo, d
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