Join the waiting list to be the first to know when our next IN-PERSON and FREE Mindful Birth Masterclass is available.
From attending this Mindful Birth Masterclass, you will learn:
• What is gentle birthing and why is it so important?
• How to experience less worry & concerns before & during birth
• How to choose the best care provider
• How to reduce the need for intervention
• How you can enjoy the most positive birth experience possible for you as a couple, and for your baby
• How HypnoBirthing can help you birth in calm and comfort
The session also includes:
• An overview of the full 5-week HypnoBirthing program
• An opportunity to view a beautiful HypnoBirthing birth video
• An opportunity to ask questions and share
You have joined the waiting list for our Mindful Birth Masterclass. Please keep an eye out on your emails for when the next session is available.
In the mean time, feel free to follow us on Instagram: