Path Dependence Newsletters

Sporadic and infrequent notifications of things I think you should know about...

If you're interested in Cyber Wargaming, I'll be posting details of events I learn about here, helping you discover what's out there if you're just getting interested in the field.
Announcements of Nick Drage's forthcoming presentations, or vlogs, or books, and more.
New services and products offered by Path Dependence Limited.
I have a wide and widening set of interests, and I'm particularly interested in frameworks that help us think through a situation. I collect these, and will sporadically email out short details with evaluated links, or call for experts I'd like to think with.
Reviews of books I've read, or presentations or documentaries I've watched, that are vaguely relevant to our shared interests.
As a very small company, I'm conscious of how much time can be spent, and wasted, trying out different services, especially on free trials or free tiers. I'll publish very occasional reviews to this list.