Who are you comparing yourself to?

We live in a social media world where it's easy to get caught up in watching everyones' accomplishments, growth, and popularity. The problem with comparing yourself to others is that it will make you feel like you're lacking something or not doing enough...that's a lie! The truth is...YOU ARE MORE than enough.

This audio chapter, "Comparison" from my book, Avoiding The Self-Sabotage Trap reveals the most common reasons why people compare themselves and how to break free from this cycle. 


1. It uncovers hidden signs of comparison that causes self-sabotage and limiting beliefs.

2. It gives you practical step-by-step actions to implement that will reverse the harmful effects of comparison. 

3. It provides prevention tactics to avoid falling into its trap so you are FREE to be your most powerful and confident self unapologetically!

Download to enjoy your free copy!
