Tiered Pieces Waitlist

Hallooo - YES, this is where you need to drop your email to be on the waitlist for a custom Kablooie tiered piece (dresses and skirts).  These are currently only offered to Kablooie VIPs via my Facebook VIP group or my email subscribers (on my normal mailing list).

I offer just a handful of spots most weeks - if your name is next on the list, I will contact you via the email you sign up with here to offer you a spot.  PLEASE if possible, add keneena@kablooiestore.com.au to your contact list so I'm less likely to bounce or go to spam when I get in touch about your piece.  

When your piece is complete, your name will be removed from this list, and you'll need to re subscribe if you want a second piece.  Thank you so much. In the meantime, while you wait, head to my Facebook group to see a gallery of finished pieces to admire while you wait.

