Solaris Strong Motion

Let me help you become a strong and flexible badass!

“I've felt so much benefit from the programme in six weeks that I almost feel like a new person. My spine is way more mobile and I'm starting to feel my abs again!” - Sharon, Dancer, UK

Solaris Strong Motion is specially designed to make you feel confident, stronger and more flexible in your body and knowledgeable about it's awesome abilities whilst being supported and motivated in developing the practice habit of your dreams!

Complete your details below and I'll be in touch very soon.

You will receive a link to a free Solaris Flow movement practice incorporating Muscle Energy Techniques so you can get started right away! I'll pop you on my mailing list with regular movement and dance tips (of course you can unsubscribe at any time!)

"I think I have got more out of this course than any other I have done. My confidence has improved massively and I’m now enjoying my dance practice in a way I never did before.
I have discovered that I didn’t need to live with the knee pain I was experiencing, and which I had written off as age-related."
- Sophia, Dancer, UK

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