BuildingBlox Virtual Workshop Interest Lists

Sign up to receive emails when BuildingBlox virtual workshops you're interested in are scheduled. Note that each list now includes several relevant workshops from the 2023 workshop offerings.

You may unsubscribe from the workshop lists at any time. Your email address will not be shared or sold. View our privacy policy.

Includes Introduction, Advanced Beginner, In the Round, and Slip-Stitch workshops
Includes Two-pattern, Designing Two-pattern, and Self-lining workshops
Includes Three-color and Multi-color workshops
Includes Reverse, Advanced Texture, Transitions in Texture, and Bobbles & Nupps workshops
Includes Shaping, Off the Grid, Further Off the Grid, Short Rows and Stacked Stitches workshops
Includes Lace, Single-layer Lace, and Advanced Lace workshops
Includes Traveling Stitches, Cables, and Cables & Colorwork workshops
Includes Intarsia and "Annetarsia" workshops
Includes Hat Design and Mitten Design workshops