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This will allow you to see *all* announcements, news, the works! SIgning up for this will also allow you to get 12x12, a non-fiction book about how to build your social media to it's full potential, writer, or artist.
Darkness Deadlies (The Vivarium)
This explicitly signs you up for my sci-fi main series, which starts with Glass Block. The Vivarium will be available again in July.
Horror/Transgressive (Pillow Talk)
This signs you up for both Sabby (horror pen name) and Vanya Viola, my transgressive specific name, along with D Kai Wilson-Viola, who gets all of my uncategorisable stuff.
Horror (Zombies) Footnotes to a Lesson
This signs you up for both Prayer for the Dammed series, Pariah series news and my horror stuff via Sabby.
Sci-fi and myth (two genre signups) Out among the Stars
This signs you up for my twisted retellings and sci-fi. Various pen names. :)
Maximum Effort Geek Chic
My monthly *everything* geek newsletter, not just my books. I talk other books, what I'm reading and enjoying, and more here. It's also the podcast, coming soon.
Kairis Viola/ Kai Ellory Viola (The Firemaids' Temple)
Kairis Viola writes RH and Alt-history PNR, while Kai Ellory writes a little bit of everything.
Supernatural and myth - Garret (Funhouse)
This is specifically the signup for the first book of Garret, a transgressive, supernatural series which also links up to All my Friends are Reapers
Coming Soon!
Just want the new releases broken down by the quarter? A rolling twice monthly update of what's coming, out, available to pre-order, and coming soon.
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