
Signup for news and special offers!

This will allow you to see *all* announcements, news, the works! SIgning up for this will also allow you to get 12x12, a non-fiction book about how to build your social media to it's full potential, writer, or artist.
This explicitly signs you up for my sci-fi main series, which starts with Glass Block. The Vivarium will be available again in July.
This signs you up for both Sabby (horror pen name) and Vanya Viola, my transgressive specific name, along with D Kai Wilson-Viola, who gets all of my uncategorisable stuff.
This signs you up for both Prayer for the Dammed series, Pariah series news and my horror stuff via Sabby.
This signs you up for my twisted retellings and sci-fi. Various pen names. :)
My monthly *everything* geek newsletter, not just my books. I talk other books, what I'm reading and enjoying, and more here. It's also the podcast, coming soon.
Kairis Viola writes RH and Alt-history PNR, while Kai Ellory writes a little bit of everything.
This is specifically the signup for the first book of Garret, a transgressive, supernatural series which also links up to All my Friends are Reapers
Just want the new releases broken down by the quarter? A rolling twice monthly update of what's coming, out, available to pre-order, and coming soon.