Advance Copy Readers

Hello and thank you for your interest in becoming a "beta" or advance reader for Belinda Kroll, author of sweet historical fantasy stories about secrets and the strong women who unearth them. Thank you so much for your willingness to provide your honest opinion!

Reader Criteria
You must see yourself as a reader, not a writer. You read historical fiction with paranormal, fantastical, or clean romantic subplots for readers age 14 and older.

When the time comes, you promise to read the drafted work and provide answers for up to 6 questions by the requested deadline. Your answers will help Belinda ensure the final version of the work is the best it can be, so your feedback is highly valued. You agree, however, not to try to solve the issues you raise; that is Belinda's job as the author.

You also promise not to share any of the content anywhere prior to publication because you did not purchase it and do not own it. After publication, you may post reviews on websites.

This Agreement is valid indefinitely,  even in the event you are no longer associated with Belinda Kroll or Bright Bird Press.

Thank you again for your interest and stay tuned!
